Re: "you Could Only Deceive The Gullible And The Uninformed Readers And Not Some Of Us" - Alphonsus Oyana Replies Azuka Jebose

ARTICLES - Posted on: 11th May. 2020 at 12:39PM

RE : The Palace Raid And Destruction - By  Azuka Jebose.  

By Alphonsus Oyana

Azuka Jebose , to start with , the voices in this your video are full of  Voice- overs which are techniques,  when experts cleverly superimposed pre- recorded  voices during the production of a film, advertising, cinema or video so,  as to achieve a predetermined goal. 

You could only deceive the gullible and the uninformed readers and not some of us  !. 

However, with regard to this your current video it's been discovered  to be poorly done by you because,  you have remain a half-- baked journalist who was dismissed from the Punch Newspapers Nigeria Ltd -- your last place of work in Nigeria as an advertising staff having been found guilty of stealing huge  amounts of advertisement funds placed in your care  and dragged to the Court and which informed your decision to illegally travel out of Nigeria to the USA in the early 90s, under the guise of a "dancer"  with the late musician,  Sunny Okosun band group and so, have remained a fugitive of the law. So, take note that the long hands of the law, however,  is catching up on you sooner than expected.  

So, these manufactured 

so-called "facts" of yours are lacking in merit just like you have always been lacking in integrity since birth.  

In your second paragraph, you attempted at illustrating why the traditional institutions in Britain and in Nigeria should not be desecrated by the super-rich ( or, I daresay by anyone irrespective of social standing ). 

 So,  even when one agrees with your postulation here one, however,  is forced  into asking if,  the same traditional and cultural processes of the ascension to the revered thrones whenever the reigning Kings joined his ancestors in the mentioned Buckingham Palace, in Benin City or in Ife were the same ways and manners this , your so called "Obi" --Prince  Nonso Nwoko of Idumuje Ugboko Kingdom ascended the throne there, following the death of the immediate past King in 2015  ? 

The answer is definitely in the negative because as, far as the traditional laws and customs of the good people of Idumuje Ugboko and in the eyes  of the extant laws of Delta State are concerned , Prince Chukwunonso Nwoko remains an interloper and a urshper to the throne according to  the traditional laws and customs of Idumuje Ugboko hence,  he has not been given the requisite Staff of Office by the government of Delta State and might not forever if, convicted of the charges of terrorism and murder cases of,  which he is currently  standing trials in  the Federal Courts  alongside,  his  co-travellers for unleashing terror on some traditional Chiefs and any other persons perceived  by him to have refused to be part of his sacrilege  and inordinate ambitions to the throne of Idumuje Ugboko in 2017. 

It's is this morbid fear of conviction because of the overwhelming concrete facts and evidence that  the prosecutors have against him and his co-travellers that , informed the decision to hire a poorly rated hatchet writer in your mold towards mounting sustained campaign of calumny in  the Facebook  and the other Social media platforms against Hon Ned Nwoko over his refusal to, neither support the illegality of the ascension to the throne by Prince Nonso nor intervene in criminal cases which have been investigated then,  a prima facie case established by the office of  the DPP in both the Delta State and  the Office of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice hence, the cases were subsequently charged to the Courts .

So,  you are advised to take your cock and bull stories which only exist in your diabolical sense of imagination, elsewhere because, the incidents did not happen in the 16th Century but from 2015 to 2017 and there  are so many living witnesses of truth to the unfortunate events. 

So,  you can take your very poor imaginary scenes, your very weak literary plots and the unprofessional make- over voices techniques somewhere else for all Hon Ned Nwoko and his teeming supporters care for . 

Or how do you think that,  any intelligent person will believe these cheap stories such as the few like , ( according to you ) " the few policemen that were posted to guard the palace were indifferent "  during the said attacks ? 

Are you for real, Azuka ? So,  what equally stopped the so called  " Obi who survived the unslaught ( onslaught ? ) by the whiskers " from running to the Police Station  in Issele Uku or to Headquarters in Asaba after he had survived and escaped from the mayhem and then lodged a formal report there since the Policemen posted to the Palace were indifferent " or even sent any other person to so act ? 

What a poorly scripted typical Nigeria home video movie you have presented in this article  ! 

Finally,  let it be stated that this fictitious article as well as the others you have been struggling , all along,  to sell ( only  to the gullible , anyway ! ) in order to justify your pay and thus, be seen as sustaining these fruitless smear campaigns against Hon  Ned Nwoko a visionary  and uncommon philanthropist who is envied by Nonso and the co travellers because of his vision to establish a World class University of Sports in his hometown,  of Idumuje Ugboko and which to the glory of God is ready for the resumption of academic studies in September,  2020 barring any unforeseen circumstances such  as the COVID 19, pandemic. 

Let  us remind you again that Hon Ned Nwoko has an enviable antecedents not  only for standing up in defence  of the poor,  the weak and the victimised but has been a philanthropist per excellence to these categories of people whether in Ugboko , Delta North Senatorial district,  Delta State,  Nigeria and elsewhere in the World . 

In conclusion, Azuka Jebose,  if truly you're looking for justice then,  allow the Courts to do its Constitutional job and stop all these fairy tales which look like tales told by idiots of your types which are full of fury yet,  signifying nothing.


Only your fast diminishing  gullible stocks or  the biased and the interested parties  still foolishly believe in your poor figment of intellectually low imaginations . 

Majority  of your readers are already tired of your cock and bull stories.  Those who hired you should demand for their money because you remain an overrated hachet writer.  

I so submit . 

As I remain,  

Oyana  A. 

7th of May,  2020.

Posted by: Emdee David

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