My Desire Is To See Ned Nwoko Locked Up For Human Rights Abuses - Azuka Jebose

ARTICLES - Posted on: 12th May. 2020 at 11:34PM

When he started his media campaign to seek justice for some men of his hometown, Idumuje Ugboko, many thought that it would be an effort in futility since the man he has chosen to take on is a Billionaire who is powerful, connected to the judiciary and people in the corridor of power. But Azuka Jebose is not the type to give up on a worthy cause, not even with threats and social media maligning of his character. He would not be deterred. and the fight is gradually yielding some result.

Today, he announced that one of the men locked up by Hon Ned Nwoko has been released on bail. (The middle man in the featured photo).

He wrote:

"It’s A Happy Day for lovers of freedom and Justice. Right now, The Idumuje Ugboko men locked up for six months and three years by Ned Nwoko are being released on bail. Here are the first pictures of Okey Ifejokwu, The President of Idumuje Ugboko Development Union who was locked up for six months coming out of prison, as recorded by my younger sister in Abuja. It’s happening fast. Stay With Me. Azuka Jebose"

In another post, he declared his resolve to continue the fight until all those locked up illegality by Ned Nwoko are freed and given justice. Azuka Jebose, is determined to Ned Nwoko pay for his injustice towards the people of Idumuje Ugboko, which is also the cry of the masses.

 He wrote:


Ned Nwoko used his power and privileges in Nigeria’s rotten judicial system to charge, detain innocent men for dubious TERRORISM and MURDER CHARGES. For more than three years, innocent men continue to languish in Nigeria’s infested prison cells, waiting for this day. And you want me to be silent? My desire and objectives are to seek justice and equity for these presumed innocent men and to see Ned Nwoko locked up for human rights abuses. Stay With Me!

Azuka Jebose



Nigerians are waiting, the whole of Onicha Ugbo is waiting,  to see the outcome of this struggle. It is hoped that the oppression of the people of Idumuje Ugboko by Ned Nwoko would end and peace would return to the land.

~ Emdee David

Posted by: Emdee David

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