Lagos State Approves Burial During Lockdown

ARTICLES - Posted on: 26th Apr. 2020 at 3:50AM

Death is inevitable. And respect for the dead is sacrosanct. Dead people must be buried with respect and according to tradition or religious inclination, the lockdown notwithstanding. 

In view of this, the Lagos Government has approved burial for loved ones who die during the Lockdown. It, however, stipulates some conditions which include:  

1. No inter-state travels for burials, it must be done in Lagos State.

2. The crowd at the burial MUST not exceed 20. This includes officiating minister and family members.  

3. There will be no after parties either during the day or by night. i.e, no ceremony of any kind. 

4. Attendees must wash their hands after the interment.  

5. There will be no after parties either during the day or by night. i.e, no ceremony of any kind.

6. All guests at the interment must wear face masks. 

7. Attendees must observe social distancing.

The information has clear the air on whether the dead can be buried or not. 

Written by Emdee David

Posted by: Emdee David

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