Free These Youngmen, Ned Nwoko - By Azuka Jebose

ARTICLES - Posted on: 12th Apr. 2020 at 1:40AM


Earlier today  Nigeria's Minister of Justice, Abubarkar Malami, regretted that 70% of inmates in Nigeria’s prison system are awaiting trial. 

Well, my people, you still want to question why am I seeking justice for those men from Idumuje Ugboko Ned Nwoko allegedly used his connections, to throw innocent men in jail for three years. 

These men are part of the 70 percenters whose human rights and constitutional rights to due process of the law have been smashed and forgotten. They are suffering in the most unnatural and beasty prisons in Delta State.

Ofonye Ufoh and Nnamdi Ochei have been locked up since 2017 at Agbor Prison in the Ika local government area of Delta state. Their charges?: MURDER. Yet, Ned and his legal team to this day are yet to produce the name of the murdered victim by these two young men: 

No dead body. No victim's names. What is the name of the murdered victim? Where is the family of the Victim? Where is the victim from. When and where was he buried?

 These young men were allegedly ambushed at night by Asaba Special squad at their homes in Idumuje Ugboko, kidnapped and brought to Agbor to face charges and possible prosecution. They are languishing in Agbor prison. 

Ofonye Ufoh was beginning a new love life, after divorce,  when he was suddenly picked up and driven to the prison yard at Agbor.  While in prison, he lost his new girlfriend to the absence of time, love, attention and affection that would have nurtured their young love: she has moved on. An innocent man, possibly framed for a murder unknown, by the town's richest man who has undisciplined access to Delta State's corrupt cops. Ofonye sits in an inhumane cell, broken heart and waiting for a miracle, living on prayers within.

Nnamdi Ochei is  31. He was also ambushed, arrested and charged with murder. He is single. Until his arrest, he was the caregiver to his aging parents. 

These are hidden atrocities of Ned Nwoko, the bullish billionaire who continues to abuse human dignity by denying innocent people the due process of the law, by using his unfettered access to Federal Might to intimidate, torment and torture anyone who dares him. These are done by proxy. Don't let them deceive you that he is a philanthropist, an industrialist, and all that hear-say platitudes; behind the facade of those decorations is a man suppressing civil liberty, peace, equity and justice with his financial wealth, sadly, against his own people. 

Ask him about these young men wasting their years in prison and you will read the most ridiculous cooked up defense. Nnamdi and Ofonye will never get back those years wasted in jail to prove their innocence, they have been psychologically traumatized by these years in prison, stripped of their human dignity. THEY HAVE BEEN BROKEN by Ned. What would you do if these men were your sons, brothers, nephews, cousins or friends? 

I await pathetic Ned Nwoko's defenders on this. FREE THESE MEN.

Azuka Jebose

Posted by: Emdee David

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