ARTICLES - Posted on: 12th Dec. 2024 at 7:28AM
I never said that the Bini people came from Ife. I said their royal family came from Ife.

This is not peculiar to Benin. The Itsekiri royal family originates from Benin, while the Itsekiri people themselves are of Igala, Ilaje, Ijebu and other Lukumi origins. The British, Spanish, Greek, and Austrian royal families are Germanic.

In Nigeria, the Hausa kingdoms have a Fulani royal family, and the Onitsha and Asaba royal families are from Benin.

Even in antiquity, this was the practice. Sango was a Lukumi king who became a god. But his mother was Nupe (known as Tapa people in Lukumi Yoruba language).

Typically, the Black man often likes to argue from a point of ego. I discipline myself to reason from the point of empirical evidence.

If you look at the ancient Benin Bronzes, which depict their kings and compare it with the Ife Bronzes, which depict the Oonis of yore, they are almost identical.

Now, carbon dating has determined that the Ife Bronzes are older—far older than the Benin Bronzes by between 300 and 500 years. This is a fact. Anyone who argues otherwise is intellectually lazy. The carbon dating was performed by White Europeans with no dog in the fight and thus no motive to manipulate the results.

Therefore, since there are no written records, the most reasonable conclusion, based on empirical evidence, is that the Benin Bronzes were made for Benin kings of Ife origin.

If anyone wants to dispute that, they should provide empirical evidence, not loud arguments. Otherwise, we will descend to the level of Barbarisns. God forbid!

The argument by some persons of Benin origin that a Bini man left Edo to teach Ile-Ife the art of making bronzes does not hold water because these claims were never made before the carbon dating was done in the 1940s and 1950s. They only surfaced after carbon dating established that the Ife Bronzes were older.

If the Black man will leave his ego and chest beating and focus on what cannot lie, i.e. factual empirical evidence, many of our unnecessary arguments will dissolve and resolve themselves.

Posted by: Emdee David

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