5 Things You Need To Know About The Current Status Of The "chinese Doctors"

Nigerians have asked many questions about the whereabouts of the "Chinese doctors" who had come to support Nigeria in the fight against COVID-19. And for lack of proper information management by the Federal Government and its handlers, some people have offered answers, most of which are wrong but going viral on social media.
Here is one of such "answers" :
"Those15 Chinese men said to be medical doctors invited to come to help us with COVID 19 are actually construction workers from a company known as CCCEC based in Lagos. What a country!"
And my response to the above is:
1. They are not construction workers.
2. They are mostly medical technicians, not really doctors. They are experts in fixing medical equipment.
3. They are sponsored by the Chinese construction company, CCECC as part of their support for Nigeria in the fight against coronavirus pandemic.
4. They have finished their work in Nigeria since but no flight to go back. And the visa given to them has expired.
5. CCECC is responsible for their stay here and flights back to China. The company will ensure their return as soon as the coast is clear.
Written by Emdee David
Posted by: Emdee David
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